Our intentions

To swirl and play together
Our spaces are here for you to play, create, reconnect and thrive in a welcoming and accessible space. We are here to rebuild a wholesome culture that transforms and supports conscious connections rooted in love, trust and unity.
To slow down and feel the textures
We’ve been conditioned to compare, hide and speed up. We’re here to help you slow down, let go of striving and be at ease within yourself. We focus on somatics practice that guide you back to your present moment experience to help you develop embodied perception, sensory awareness, language of the body and capacity for healing. We create a container to help you move from thinking self to feeling self through guided sessions in a compassionate space.
To be together and remember we are held by a Supreme Shakti
Each breath reminds us we are whole and interconnected, not separate. We are rooted in ekta oneness. The sacredness is intrinsically woven into us, it stitches and holds us together. We are whole beings centred in the Supreme Shakti.
To gather communities and feed the longing to belong
We listen, share, learn, create and be in community. We can only do that by opening our arms, minds and hearts and honouring our differences. We welcome daydreamers, world-weavers, lifelong learners, healers, feelers, thinkers and makers come together to guide each other back home. Our lived experiences differ, but we have the same vision for life. To live in a world values healing, growth, peace and truth.
To build a conscious culture that supports individuals and communities to transform
Disconnection is one of the universal sources of suffering today. Our systems and structures have taken us away from the truth. For too long we have moved through life unconsciously, practicing ways that disconnect us from our true selves, each other and the Divine. Practices are stitched to what we value, what we care about and how devoted we are to the practice. We are here to disassemble the old shape and assemble a new shape into being through conscious practice.
To guide people back to the wisdom of their bodies in a compassionate space
We are rhythmic beings. Our bodies hold our stories, sorrows and longings. Our physical bodies are not separate from our emotional and spiritual bodies. We hold space for self-exploration through somatic practices, creative expression, self-compassion meditation, and collective discussion.

“Love is the keynote, Joy is the music, Knowledge is the performer, the Infinite All is the composer and audience.”
- Sri Aurobindo

Our values
Feel into it
We attune into the textures and follow the vibe.
Play and release
We make space to stretch and express.
Power in truth
We’re honest and we keep it real.
Trust the flow
We move at the speed of trust and follow the process as it unfolds.
Respect and listen to the whole
We centre the whole being and respect our differences. Our intersectional identities are richly nuanced, dynamic and diverse, but we are united in our shared humanity.
Give gratitude
We are bound by the primordial beat and rooted in many rhythms flowing through One. Our work is a gift from the Divine.
Yes mate, and …
We invite the spirit of curiosity, play and spontaneity. We say yes to what lights us up.
“The force and the strength for peace will come from people. And that will happen when people start to realize that all the diversity and differences we see of nationalities, of religions, of cultures, of languages, are all beautiful diversities, for they are only on the surface. And deep down we share the same humanity, the global humanity.”
— Satish Kumar