Creative Compass

Creative Compass is an immersive, collaborative, in-person experience for creatives, artists, writers, designers and makers to unlock their ideas, find clarity and feel confident about their work

What creatives say:

“Our work felt radical and healing. I'm feeling more confident in my practice and have learnt (and re-discovered) so much about myself as an artist and woman. The session felt powerful as it helped to reflect on my processes and methodologies with someone who genuinely understands how important they are for me.”

Let’s journey together

I hold a sacred cocoon for you to untangle ideas, discover deep insights, find clarity and expand your body of work that aligns to who you are becoming.

I offer

Live sessions will involve :

  • 1 x 60 minute connection call via Zoom

  • Either a half day or full day in-person experiences

  • 1 x 60 minute closing call via Zoom. This space is to reflect, share insights and ideas.

After care package :

  • Written notes and reflections to travel back to

  • Somatic body patterns and rhythms

  • Key themes explored during the session

  • Sources of inspiration

  • Reading and listening materials

  • Home practice invitations to support your integration

I weave together somatic coaching, texture constellations, art therapy practice, ritual, silence and movement medicine to support your process.

Journey through your ideas and create an open, honest dialogue with the work. Discover insights unravelling from the depth of your being.

We slow down, tap into the body's wisdom, and trust the creative process to unfold. We are always exploring what arises in the present moment.

This is a self-led space, supported and held with gentle somatic inquiries from Poonam.

Together we will:

  • Feel into your body’s wisdom

  • Untangle the blockages and get to the root of what is keeping you stuck

  • Reconnect to the spark in the body of work you are growing

  • Grow language that resonates with your process

  • Deepen your methodology

  • Discover clarity in your ideas

  • Expand new ways of seeing

  • Notice the rhythm and patterns

  • Build sustainable, restorative practices

  • Integrate the experience for you to embody a new way of being

  • “The creative cocoon is a beautiful, amazing, safe space to just let go of everything and just be yourself and connect with yourself. You feel it, it’s something very deep. The creative mapping session was so special - using materials and creativity to explore how you're feeling is just magic. I've loved the somatic practices, drawing, meditating, connecting with myself. You've held the safe space for me to find these solutions and navigate through my challenges almost on my own, but giving me a safe space to process what's coming up for me has been amazing because I feel seen, I feel heard, I feel understood.”

    Jewellery Designer & Curator

  • "I enjoyed the way we worked through the process through words and visualisations, I have never experienced a process like this before and I thought the guidance to self realisation and understanding of myself and my character to be hugely profound. The use of words, the placement of objects, colour etc tapping into something that I haven’t felt since childhood creativity - it certainly left me yearning for more creative processes I can lean into to be more expressive in future."


  • “I often spiral when I get stuck in my head, and paying attention to my body more helps to ground me in the here and now. I now feel more in tune with my body, strengthening the mind-body connection, and learning to listen to and honour my own truth more. I liked the process of describing physical sensations through visual imagery or as objects. What supported me was feeling safe and held in the space. I didn’t feel judged which was important in helping me to open up more.”

    Digital Illustrator

  • "Poonam’s sun-like energy supported me through the process. Her capacity to hold what is and value it and see it for its richness is healing to experience in itself. I felt a deep sense of being seen and validated in my existence. Being seen as a poet and an artist without needing to justify anything, too."

    Poet & artist

  • “The texture table was a fantastic embodied way of accessing emotions and feelings; this experience was really memorable. We saw a remarkable change in the students from the beginning of the session to the end, it was really amazing. They became far more connected to each other and you could feel the energy in the room change.The workshop supported us to share and be vulnerable with each other in a non-traditional format is essential to build bonds amongst students and cultivate creativity, ideas and collaboration, particularly post-pandemic where they were all learning in isolation online.”

    Creative Direction & Innovation Lecturer at London College of Fashion


  • This space will support creative people who:

    - have lost the spark with their creative process

    - feel guilty for taking time to rest

    - feel overwhelmed from the next to take

    - lack of self-worth and confidence

    - compare themselves to other artists

    - are struggling to describe the concepts behind their work

    - are struggling to embrace themselves as an artist / creative

    - are spending too much time and energy drawing inspiration from online

  • Book a connection call to see if we resonate and align with each other.

    This call is for us questions about each other’s practice and get to know each other better. I will share my way of working and the creative cocoon I hold. If the offer resonates, we book a time and date that works for us.

    These sessions are usually held in the creative’s space - this could be your studio, a public art space, an outdoor space that inspires you.

    There is no pressure or obligation to sign up to anything. It’s a pleasure to connect to another human being who wants to share their expression into the world!

  • I offer a sliding scale service for individuals, starting from £250 for half day and £500 for a full day.

    Yes, you can pay in 2 or 3 instalments via Stripe or Paypal.

    There will be additional travel and accommodation costs outside of London.

  • This is a self-led by you and guided by Poonam.

    Poonam holds a nourishing cocoon and supports your process with gentle somatic inquiries.

    We slow down, tap into the body's wisdom, and trust the creative process to unfold. We are always exploring what arises in the present moment and noticing ourselves in connection to what emerges. We let go of control and trust the rhythm and patterns.

    You may be invited to close your eyes and feel into the work. You may be invited to explore the feeling as a movement. You may be invited to spend some time free-writing and naming things out of the body. You may be invited to notice the textures in your body.

    Everything in our experience is an invitation. All questions are welcomed.

  • I invite you to gather the selection of work you want to explore. It could be a new few pieces you are excited to explore, or it could be a body of work you’ve been growing for a while.

    You are welcome to bring in any creative materials to support your process - a notepad, pen, crayons, paints etc.

    I will bring a selection of textures to play and build with, incense, a speaker and anything else I feel will be supportive for you.

    You decide what space is resonant for you - this could be your studio, your home, an outdoor space you love being in, a gallery you felt inspired by.

    If we need to hire a space, this will be added into the final cost.